Workplace Mediation and Conflict Management Coaching assists people to manage workplace disputes and focus on common goals.
Ongoing disputes can have serious impacts on:
- the mental health of those involved,
- the workplace culture,
- productivity and
- profitability.
How disputes happen in workplaces and organizations?
Workplaces and organizations bring together a random assortment of personality-types, capabilities, skills, attributes, interests, values, and beliefs (variables).
Consequently, the probability of conflicts occurring is reasonably high.
Therefore early conflict management is very important.
Opt-In Mediation can help your organization by:
- Early intervention, before patterns of conduct become entrenched.
- Assisting Parties to resolve their issues through focusing on their needs, interests and concerns. This approach assists people to achieve ongoing workable relationships and achieve the organization’s goals.
- Assisting the organization to improve policies, procedures and practices to better manage future disputes.
Steps in the process:
- Initial approach: By an individual or representative of the organization (The Client).
- Preliminary Consultation with Client: (Employer/ Management/ Head of Department etc) to discuss:
- the issues,
- nature of the conflict,
- identify the involved Parties, and
- what steps have been taken to resolve the conflict to date. Supplying documents about Policies, procedures, employment contracts etc assists.
- Workplace Culture Assessment/ Investigation:
Dr Henry Netscher interviews each Party to assess:- the conflict type, relationship types, personality-types involved,
- history of conflict,
- history of dispute resolution attempts,
- what dispute resolution methods have been successful or not successful resolved to date,
- what needs have or have not been met,
- identification of power imbalances, the workplace culture.
- An assessment is made, a report is provided to the Client which includes recommendations about suitable dispute resolution processes. These may include mediation, coaching, mentoring, workplace conferencing.
- Undertake chosen dispute resolution approach on behalf of Client.
- Review outcomes.